Your ongoing support is the life blood of what we do
Our signature event, the Hawai‘i Triennial, is the state’s largest, periodic exhibition of contemporary art from Hawai‘i, the Pacific, and beyond. After three successful iterations, we exhibited work from 122 artists and art collectives from around the world and welcomed more than 312,600 visitors at 22 sites of exhibition. In addition to years-long planning that goes into the Triennial, we present Art Summit (a convening of artists, curators, and thinkers), Professional Development Program for Artists, Young Contemporaries (professional development for high school art students), and year-round public programming (artist talks, screenings, and more).
As a not-for-profit visual arts organization, Hawai‘i Contemporary relies on the support and engagement of our community. Your contributions are vital to sustaining the work we do year-round. Through your generous support, we’ll grow a vibrant and accessible visual arts community in Hawai‘i, month after month.
Prize packs for lucky patrons
From now through the end of the year (2024), every monthly donor — of any amount — will automatically be entered to win a prize pack; drawings will be held every two weeks. Each prize pack contains gifts from our awesome partners in the community:
- Annual Pass (1yr) to Honolulu Museum of Art
Unlimited admission for one year! - Individual Membership (1yr) to Donkey Mill Art Center
$60-dollar value! - Private Walking Tour for Four in Waikīkī with Exhibition Grid
- The Art of Solario print (matted) + Lauren Hana Chai print from manini GALLERY
- Merch Pack including a tote, baseball cap, fan, pin, and stickers featuring a design created by HB19 artist Solomon Enos for Capitol Modern
- Mini merch pack of small-kine goodies from MORI by Art+Flea
- Invite to special event for Hawai‘i Triennial 2025 (HT25), compliments of Hawai‘i Contemporary
Hawai‘i Contemporary is a 501(3)(c) not-for-profit organization. Your contribution to Hawai‘i Contemporary is tax deductible.